sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2007

Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS)2008

Congress Vancouver, BC June 4-7, 2008

At the Crossroads of Empire

Latin America and the Caribbean have been profoundly shaped by the rise and fall of Empires, from pre-Columbian civilizations to European expansionism and on to US strategies for hemispheric supremacy. Yet the region has also been a crucial site for the articulation of movements of resistance to imperial projects. The global political fields of the early 21st century are now posing new, challenging questions about the social, cultural, and political dimensions of such processes on the continent. The 2008 CALACS conference to be held in Vancouver convokes scholars from across the social sciences and the humanities as well as activists and artists to offer a fresh look at the influence of imperial schemes on Latin America and the Caribbean and at the range of social movements and government projects that contest them. In addition, the conference welcomes submissions related to other themes involving Latin America and the Caribbean.
The organizing committee seeks proposals for panels and individual papers by January 5, 2008.
To download individual and panel proposal forms, see the CALACS 2008 website at:

For information about CALACS, see

CALACS 2008 will be held in conjunction with the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences 2008 Congress in Vancouver. For additional information regarding the Congress, accommodation, and to register, check for updates at

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